Saturday, January 20, 2007

Golf, anyone?

On another note, I think it would be fun to have a Best Ball Golf Tourney on Friday afternoon - July 27. Even if you're a sub-standard golfer - ie. me, we could pair you with someone who's actually good. Or we could just put all the lousy golfers together and lie about our scores - and let the real golfers have their game! Or you could ride in the golf cart, carrying a stiff drink and mock the other golfers - perhaps Dave would sign up for that position? If you're interested, email me. I'll get the tee-times set up, and we'll go from there. I'm thinking I need to know by April how many people are going. And when you email me - let me know your caliber of golf: Sub-standard - Moderate - Excellent. I dare you to say Excellent!


Unknown said...

Yes... stiff drinks. I am a soaringly bad golfer who can hit the ball redonkulously far with occasional accuracy. The last time I played I used a driver a wedge and a putter. That's it. I am soooooo in for golf.

Michelle Dudley said...

Dave - I love you. Every time I talk to you I laugh.

Rich said...

I want to be on Dave's team!!! I mean it....Dave's team. What ya say D?

Rich said...

Come on man...we went to Grad dates....that's gotta count for something....something?

Unknown said...

Oh yeah... Rich and I are on a team. I'm gonna be turning up the suck for my golfing, so we need a couple of ringer chicks to play with up.

Rich and I had more fun at grad not being with anyone. No one dumped us and treated us like shit... much.

We should get Holzwarth and Larry to be on our team... that would be some kinda nutty.


Rich said...

Hey...just like the old town of magrath job...I wonder if Bort still has the jacked up Nova he used to drive me home in...once in awhile. Now that would be a great golf team!!