Saturday, February 17, 2007

Check the Photobuckets

Patti posted a ton of photos on a Photobucket. I hope she does not mind but I went through and separated them and cleaned them up a tiny bit. I am reminded of a bunch of photos Tobi sent me. I'll have to go dig them up and post them. Dave
Rusty Tannant just sent me loads of photos. Check out my photobucket for a walk down memory lane and a picture of Jason as...Juliet??? There is a lovely one of Spiffy Dave that I may just have to insert here!
Michelle Dudley


Terri said...

Wow, check out those hair due's and the cloth's. LOL Don, love that Canadian flag. ;)

Dean said...

Hey, that’s not fair taking a picture of a guy when he is asleep! …and why did I have to wait 20 years to find out that this existed?

Mary said...

Looking good mr. spiffy man!