Thursday, January 25, 2007

OK... This seems to be working really good

We have been talking reunion alot and... hey let's face it that's good and it'll be fun. But... I'm getting the distinct feeling that everyone wants to get to know everyone else a bit better. Melissa brought up a smokin' Idea. More pictures from everyone, don't be shy, put in pics of yourself now, even if you plan to drop 20 and get some work done before coming the reunion. We don't care we love you just the way you are. If you don't know how to post pics online... here's a short tutorial... go to follow the directions. Tell us more about yourself. things like... Marital status How many kids and ages What kind of work you have done. What you think about in that quiet time before you go to sleep at night Things that have affected you since high school. Accomplishments Cool trips you have taken If you could go back to 1987 and change anything what would it have been? Answer in either a new post or as a comment to this Dave


Unknown said...

I am single, going through a divorce, and still cohabiting with my ex. I live downstairs she lives upstairs. There is 0% chance of reconciliation. We remain best of friends and business partners in our real estate holdings. (2 shopping centers here in Edmonton) I date occasionally but have kept away from anything serious.

I have 3 Daughters Mariah, 12 (soon to be 13) Kaya, 8 (soon to be 9) and Jillian 5.

I started off working in the fashion industry for a modeling agency in Toronto. I moved to Edmonton, went to school, and works as an art director, cinematographer, director, producer, animator, interactive media whore, designer, and now as an educator. My most recent project is for CHUM/City in Toronto it is not on the air yet.

I think about Unified Theory the universe and my place in it. Metaphysics and altering things around me. Or I think about financial stuff.

Kent's death, My daughters, My ex, Knowing what I know and also knowing not many people know the same things. Resigning from the LDS Church.

My career, and the fruition of some lofty financial goals I have set for myself.

I go to Victoria for a couple of weeks every summer to drink heavily, smoke a bit of weed and party with my brother. I have spent a bit of time at the Banff Centre doing media shit. that was fun. I don't really travel much yet.

This'll be controversy... I would have left the church, broken my brainwashing and had more beautiful sexual experiences. I would have never allowed anyone to make me feel guilty ever again. I would have went into television sooner and written more. I would have helped others to feel better about themselves and their choices. I would have started meditating and studying Physics and Metaphysics sooner.

Rich said...

I'm married with 4 kids. I married Marja after I met her on my LDS mission. She really is my best friend, which is hard for my guy friends to understand when I turn down wing night after a good night of basketball to hang with my wife. She is full of life and keeps me young at heart. I could write a very thick book about her...she is the best.

I have 3 sons and 1 daughter alive and 1 daughter in the Magrath grave yard. Zac is 19, Myles 15, Stone 11, Brook-Lyn 8, and Jewels died at 10 days old, she was born between Myles and Stone. Zac will be on a mission for the LDS church before the reunion.

My work has been very numerous indeed, but it became more stable when I started for Nortel in Ontario. I worked as a Manufacturing Manager for Nortel then started managing for General Mills in their dough boy division, I have just recently moved to Alberta to help a rapidly growing company (Baker Boys) as their Plant Operations Manager. I am also a licenced Foster Parent with 3 foster kids ages 8, 10, and 12.

Until just a couple months ago when I moved I was a licenced minister for the LDS church and enjoyed performing marriages (all were non-LDS) and was also asked to perform funerals and sign passports and things like that, but most importantly I felt I was greatly loved and supported and really felt blessed to have that opportunity.

That quiet time before I go to sleep??? Either how great sex just was or how I would spend 22 million....don't ask me why 22 I just don't know.

I don't think I would change anything if back in 1987...they were just all part of life's experiences.

I've taken a lot cool trips with my family and friends and my youth group I ran for 8 years. I've also lived in the west and east of usa and canada. The place I loved most was a beach house I regularly stayed at in Delaware, called Rehoboth Beach on the Atlantic Ocean. My family also Loves Florida, we've been a dozen times and just Love it. My family will often go without me as I end up working too much...I'm working on that too.

Before my move I played in weekly basketball tournaments with pick up games and was usually the oldest guy on the court. I love to body surf and I love to meet stangers on know like when the kids are down for the night and you and your wife hit the hot tub....People are just so awesome to talk to and interesting!! Having said that I also enjoy just being a hermit sometimes which drives my outgoing wife crazy.

Lovin' Life!!!!

Melissa said...

Since graduating I have moved to Provo, Calgary, Provo (again) & Post Falls (Idaho), but seem to keep getting sucked back into the vortex, so here I am- in Magrath.
Marital status: Still married to Rob (17.5 years now)
How many kids and ages: 6 kids- Savannah (20 1/2), Orrin (almost 13), Shelby (11), Emmett(9), Paden(4), and Morgan(2) PS- YES, we are finished- just in case you were wondering.
1 son in law- Savannah was married to Austin Barnett (Tracy Barnett's son) in November 2006
1 full time job (Orthodontic Assistant at Gibb Orthodontics in Lethbridge,
2 part-time jobs ( Creative Memories Consultant and book keeping)

Accomplishments: Last May I took up running- no more excuses!- in November I ran in the Jingle Bell 5 k Run in Lethbridge and placed 3rd in my age category. Oh, did I mention that it was -24 degrees C with a - 40 wind chill AND a couple/ three of inches of snow on the trail. My first race. It sucked and was great both at the same time. Just in case you need printed verification you can see my name under the 5 K women's category at :

I spend my time working and running kids around (to hockey, lacrosse, cubs, ballet, piano, choir, achievement days, scouts, work, friends, school, football or wherever).

What kind of work you have done: I have been a dental assistant since 1988, sometimes working full-time, sometimes part-time and sometimes being a stay at home mom. I have "temped" a lot and started my current job in Sept 2005 when Dr Gibb first opened his practice. It is a fast growing practice and so much fun.

What you think about in that quiet time before you go to sleep at night: I wonder if Keith A is really out there- I haven't seen him since????? Does he really exist, or was he just a figment of my teenage imagination? TaahHaaaHaaa

Things that have affected you since high school: Kids, Money, Work

Cool trips you have taken: I went to Phoenix last March for work (I was able to visit Mary and she even cooked Rob & I dinner while we were there)5 days NO KIDS- it was fantastic! I am going to Park City next week for work. I am looking forward to visiting Mark and possibly Cathy???
I guess that's it.