Monday, February 26, 2007

Angie's Photobucket

Go here to see Angie's Photobucket of fun... Angie's Photobucket


Unknown said...

I'm fixing it up for you. Nice pics by the way.


Maryse said...

Great pictures Angie.
How come you get more and more beautiful the older you get?

Angie said...


Thank you for thinking I get more beautiful as get older. I look at you and think that you still look as young as you did in High School, just more classy now. You haven't aged a bit.

Michelle Dudley said...

Angie - nice pics. I'm with Maryse, you just do get more and more beautiful. And my mom loves you, so that counts for alot in my book! I chuckled when I saw your photo in San Fran. Our backyard...I should probably take a picture of our family there! But how often do you take a photo of your family in Calgary? Weird.

Teresa said...

Hey Angie,

You look fantastic! It's amazing, but I don't think you've aged since highschool. Nice pics - you're kids are so cute. I'll call the next time we are in Magrath.

Teresa said...
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Terri said...


Beautiful famiy and what fun pictires to look at. You have always been a beautiful person inside and out. I still remember all the times I spent out at your house and the sleep overs with you. Your mom and how sweet and kind. Sorry to hear about her, she is blessed to have a daughter like you and I'm sure she is proud of you. Cerished memories Angie

Mary said...

Angie, those are soo great! Terri said it right, you are beautiful inside and out. You and Trace look so happy together and your children are so cute! I can remember always wanting to trade lunch with you in elementary school, because your mom always made the best goodies! Love you Angie!

Anonymous said...

I love the do!!! Awesome pics I haven't seen you guys in so long,I remember at your house and our mothers were shootin the shit and I'm not quite sure if it was your mom or your dad cooking chickens feet, but by god i will never forget it..HA HA!!!! You look good girl and I can't wait to see ya, meet the kids and say hi to Trace, see you in July!!!!