Thursday, February 22, 2007

Where has the time gone?

Hello everyone, Wow! What a great blog. This is a neat idea. It has been so fun to read all these posts and view all the great photos. What handsome families everyone has. This is a great way to catch up. I am looking forward to seeing everyone this summer and can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to come! I used to think that people celebrating 20 year reunions were really OLD! Clearly I have been mistaken. It looks like life since graduation has been an adventure for us all. Everyone sounds happy and for that I am grateful. Especially Mark and Teresa! I became a registered nurse and now teach nursing students. I love my job and work with great, supportive people. I too am married to my best friend (Rod), who is just a great guy and our four kids are lucky to have him as their dad. Yes, four! Yikes, who would have thought! We had three of the cutest little boys, Brett (9) Eric (8) and Scott(5) and when Scott was 4 decided we were lucky to have three healthy kids, and that we were done, purged all the baby stuff and had a family photo taken... Then we were surprised one month later to find I was expecting again! An even bigger surprise when this little one was born a girl...Olivia is 8 months old today. So our lives are busy running to and from school, hockey, music etc all while trying to relax and take a few holidays. It really has been nice to read all these posts and find out where everyone is and what you are all up to. I am looking forward to the reunion and hope to have a chance to visit with everyone. I would love to meet spouses and children too, so hopefuly some


Jason Wilde said...


I can't see your pics but it's not a stretch to imagine how terrific you guys look. Things sound um, harmonically stable for you and I'm so happy for you. Its been great hearing your story. Take care.


Tracy said...

Hi Jason,
Stupid Mac! I think I fixed the photos. Thanks for your reply. I have checked out your webspace and it makes my heart ache. I can't imagine how your family must miss you and worry about you. We will miss seeing you and meeting your family at the reunion. Maybe at our 30th!
Keep in touch,

Unknown said...

Hey, Hey... Mac's aren't stupid. That's what Dean and I use almost exclusively, and we are big nerds. Great pictures by the way


Teresa said...

Hey Tracy,
Great portrait and Olivia is precious. I have some wonderful memories of you and your family and I'm looking forward to catching up with you.

Jason Wilde said...


You guys do look terrific, holy cats!

Hey don't sweat for me - really. Time is better spent marveling in our progress and growth than worrying. We’ve all seen some crap. The cool thing is to have the chance to share the stories with people you care about, right?

So yah, I’ll save my stories until our 30th, but by then my kids will be changing my diapers. I may have forgotten them by then.

On second thought, I’m an idiot if I wait another 10 years to see you guys.

Also, good luck with your stupid Mac. Maybe with the proper mentoring, it'll turn you into the nerd you need to be to fully appreciate it.

Terri said...


Beautiful family. Girls are fun, all I can say is watch out as they get older. Boy have been easier. I had 3 boys and then my daughter, Oh, boy was I in for it, the moods already at 7yrs. old and all the tears if you look at her wrong. Accually I wouldn't trade her for anything she is sweet, kind, loving and beautiful in every way we have alot of fun together doing Mother Daughter stuff and she has taught me alot as have my boys, children are wonderful. Lookin good Tracy. See you this summer


Terri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maryse said...

I almost started to cry when I saw you'd had a little girl. She is beautiful! What a blessing. You have a great family.

Tobi said...

Tracy, so glad you finally posted and everyone could see that scrumptious little baby. By the way - Macs are for lovers!! - technology in general can be frustrating at times. I hate that this is our 20 yr, I remember when my sister had her 20 yr - and she was old (or so I thought). See you in July, if not in the mall bathroom sooner than that.

Rich said...

Wow...Long time, all I could think of looking at your picture is that TV show you took me on after your miss teen lethbridge thing...that was a rush, we met tons of people and had a great time. Remembered great times at your house and a good party. Can't wait to meet your family!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy,
What a wonderful looking family you have! And it sounds like you are busy, but doing very well in your life. I remember being good buddies in grade 7 during band trip time...and not being able to get the timing down for some steps no matter how hard we tried. It will be nice seeing you in July! Patti

Michelle Dudley said...

Gorgeous family - but I knew that! I have so many fond memories of you and your family. Actually, not really memories - just happy feelings connected to you all. Looking forward to seeing you in July.

Angie said...


Congratulations to you and Rod. I guess someone knew better than you two that you were no done having babies. Thank goodness, or you would not have your lovely little girl. She is your gift. Probably from your mother, so she can drive you crazy like you did to your mom. I know I get payback everyday with mine.

Love Ya,


Tracy said...

Hey Ang, I love you too. All the kids are special little farts, but it is hard not to think that this sweet little girl wasn't a special delivery sent straight from heaven. She really is a doll and the boys adore her. I can't believe it, but the novelty of having a baby in the house still hasn't worn off. So sorry to hear your dear mom isn't well. You know how I feel about her...Hang in there sister. If you ever need to talk you know my number.

Patti, Hello stranger! You look very happy with your guy in the photo you posted. I am happy for you. Grade 7 band. Yikes. I was sooo nervous on our first trip I couldn't eat breakfast and then threw up my orange juice before we got on the bus. What a train wreck. Did we get better? Smiles. But forget that! Do you remember Lavern and Shirley?!

Terri, Your kids are so cute! But where is the photo of you and your husband. Next time I log on there better be one of the two of you! You sound so happy and content in your posts. It is great to hear from you after so long! See you in the summer.

Oh Tobi, we'll always have the mall bathroom...xo

Maryse, your family is growing up! I can still remember when you only had two little kids and a new sports car! Every time I look at our little baby, not only am I still in shock I have had another child at 37, but a girl! What a treat for our family. See you soon!

Rich, I can't believe you remember that show. I bet I have a tape of it somewhere, my mom saved everything! I remember lots of good parties too. I can't wait to meet your family. Your first post is so loving, it warmed my heart. I am glad to hear you are so happy. Take care.

Thanks Michelley (do you remember that one?) to you and Dave for setting this up. It has been so fun. I can't wait to see everyone.
Bye for now! TO

Michelle Dudley said...

Where did it come from?
did we even spell Cathi? I think she didn't let us! What was that all about?

Tracy said...

Ah, yes Cheli, that's how we spelled it. I think I can take the credit for that one, and Rhonda was Veronica. Weird. I think Mary was responsible for the other spellings. All I know for sure is that when my school jacket showed up spelled like that my dad was not impressed. We were serious geeks. L-O-S-E-R-S!!

Terri said...

Looking forward to seeing you and your family and the sweet little girl of yours. As for the pic. I am trying to work on that, truly all my stuff is packed hoping that our house will sale anytime. Since I would be the one doing all the packing I got a head start last Sept. after my husband headed out to Wyomning and continue to do a box or two a week. As soon as the house sale I am out of here horay! Anyways he has photo's on his lap top it is a matter of getting them from him.

Say Girls, talking about sleep overs/ slumber parties, does anyone remember the one at Tracy's house, around the time 16 candles came out, now how many times did we watch it, and stop it to rewatch her say "Who me?" and "Yes you" ? Sorry can't remember the actress/actor. What a night and then I think we watched it again the next moring. Great Times. Michelle there's one to add to "Back in the day" :)

Mary said...

Oh Tracy, you have such a darling family! It's a good thing you had a girl to be the "baby of the family"... I'm sure it is so sweet to watch your boys get all soft and smoochie with her ;-)... I'm so proud of you.. always have been... You're a woman with "all class", just like your mom. I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer! Love you!

Michelle Dudley said...

Terri - I absolutely remember that night! I was watching a re-run of the movie a few years back and it took me right back to being sixteen and that sleep-over. My kids thought we were crazy when I told them that story. Molly Ringwald and "Jake." I'm not sure who the part of Jake was played by. Dreamy, though!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tracy, what a great looking family, I hear boys are much easier to raise and you do have fine looking young men, little heart breakers, and your new arrival should follow in your footsteps as Miss Lethbridge when she's all grown up. Oliva is such a doll. Watch out when she's dating(not for a long while), (have that shot-gun handy), well she has nothing to worry about with 3 older bro's. Take care & we'll see you @ the reunion

Tracy said...

Hi Heather,
It is great to hear from you! Everytime I look at your photo I wish I was there in the DR. It is interesting now watching those loud crazy little boys get all mushy and lovey with their little sister. It will be interesting to see how the dynamics among the kids continues to change as they grow up. It is fun to watch so far!
See you this summer,

Tracy said...

Michelle and Terri,
Oh yes, I remember the video sleep over well. We really did re-watch the show in the am. Isn't that nuts! Jake was Judd Nelson I think (and he reminded me of Dave S at the time, isn't that funny?).

Drianne said...

Tracy, it is so GREAT to see you! I have missed you and I can't tell you how many times that I have thought about you and your family. Oh, by the way ,What an adorable family you have. I am soooo happy for you!!!I can't wait to see you and catch up. I will be at the reunion on the Friday(I don't golf so I'll have to find something else to do)but Saturday I have a wedding in Calgary. So I'll have to get all my visiting done on Friday. And yes I remember being a "Hockey Sis". I also have the same feelings that you do about it. I certainly miss my "Little Bro". Do you remember the time we went to Great Falls and I think you brought Michelle and I brought Teresa, we had so much fun. If I remember right Jeff was sleep walking in the hotel and our parents went to look for him. I sure miss him too! Take Care and I am so happy to hear that you have a little girl.She's so cute! And those boys of yours couldn't get any more cute. Your a lucky lady, but I think you already know that! Say "Hi" to Rod....I remember those "Ezzie Days".

Tobi said...

All right, let's get some things cleared up. The guy in Sixteen Candles was not Judd Nelson, you are getting it mixed up with The Breakfast Club - different movie, same director. Jake in Sixteen Candles was Michael Schoeffling, sp?, Judd Nelson was in The Breakfast Club and he played an angst-ridden, confrontational character that was similar to Dave with his long overcoat, furrowed brow, and long strides down the hallway. Not trying to be a know it all, but these are very important issues on the line :). I think that we need a Sixteen Candles party some time that weekend.

Tobi said...

I will work on getting Hugh Grant to appear at our reunion. - of course I am not serious, just go see the movie Music and Lyrics. There is a class of '87 reunion in it, was pretty funny.

Jason Wilde said...

am i the only one with the sense that tobi won't fly or ride in elevators?